Autodesk inventor hsm pro 2016
Autodesk inventor hsm pro 2016

Restriction: Assemblies are not supported in Inventor LT. In this example, you would click CAM tab 2D Milling panel 2D Pocket. You select the first operation you wish to perform on the workpiece by clicking the appropriate icon from the command ribbon. For more information about creating a setup, see the Help topic: Setup Reference. If you do not create a setup manually before adding your first operation, a setup with default parameters is created for you automatically. A setup defines a number of general properties for a set of machining operations - including the Work Coordinate System (WCS), the stock geometry, fixtures, and the machining surfaces. Normally a machining operation, like pocketing, is started by creating a Setup. The following example illustrates a 2D Pocket strategy which is used to remove the interior cavity of a part. For a description of the individual machining strategies, please refer to the Inventor HSM Help topics: About 2D Machining Strategies and About 3D Machining Strategies. The type of toolpath required naturally depends on the geometry of your part.

autodesk inventor hsm pro 2016

To create your first machining operation, simply select any of the toolpath strategies from the CAM toolbar. The CAM Browser lets you view and modify all machining-related data in the current part or assembly.

autodesk inventor hsm pro 2016

Once a part or assembly file is loaded and a strategy selected from the CAM ribbon, the CAM Browser becomes active replacing the familiar Inventor Model Browser. The Inventor HSM Professional command ribbon

Autodesk inventor hsm pro 2016