Airport panama city beach fl
Airport panama city beach fl

airport panama city beach fl airport panama city beach fl airport panama city beach fl

When several of us attempted to help they were rude so when I put my headphones in to pass the time and didn't hear the woman ask if I was willing to sit in the emergency isle she snidely said "there's always one millenial not paying attention." Ummm. Then the flight attendants became flustered as they realized they separated a 5 year old child and his father and sat the child in the emergency seat. When asked what was going on she responded "excuse me, I'll get to you when I get to you and thanks for your 'non attitude'" to the woman who asked her if she had any plans to greet us or even ackwnowledge us. Cons: "We didn't have seats assigned and the gate attendent didn't take the time to tell any of the 20 of us waiting for 15-20 mins to speak to a gate agent what was going on until AFTER she boarded the rest of the plane.

Airport panama city beach fl